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EDD Card activation

EDD card can be activated on the Bank of America EDD debit card webpage, you can also do it over phone. I will instruct you step by step on how to activate the card. EDD debit card is majorly issued for paid family leaves and unemployment and disability benefits. It's a chip enable debit card issued by Bank of America. You can use the debit card in stores, to withdraw cash, make online payment and do everything a debit card is capable of doing.


If you are unemployed and your claim for unemployment benefits is approved by Employment Development Department, it takes 7 to 10 days to receive the EDD debit card after the claim, however, it does not come activated and you need to activate it by yourself. 

EDD card activation online

  1. You have to go to https://www.visaprepaidprocessing.com/eddcard

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  2. Click on activate my card

  3. Fill the information 

Your EDD debit card will be activated.

EDD Card Activation Offline

To activate you EDD debit card offline, you need to have the following information ready

  1. EDD Card number
  2. Social Security Number
  3. Date of Birth

Now, you need tocall 1-866-692-9374 / 1-866-656-5913 (USA) and set up your PIN. After your PIN is created you can use your EDD debit card.

If you are in a different country and not in the United States, the above numbers will not work. You can call 1-423-262-1650 to activate your card.


EDD Card Activation without SSN

It is not possible to activate your edd debit card without last four digit of your SSN.

Eligibility for EDD Card

EDD debit card is provided to American citizens who are eligible for Unemployment Insurance benefits. You can submit your UI claim online. If you do so, you would receive an email from EDD with a subject line "New Online Account Created". It means your registration is completed.  

What is EDD?

EDD stands for Employment Development Department and is based out in California. The EED's main function is to provide services to businesses, workers and unemployed individuals. EDD also deals in unemployment analytics, and track employment data with the help from other agencies. It also collects states personal income taxes and unemployment insurance taxes.

Of all the above functions, EDD mainly looks at Unemployment Insurance (UI), Disability Insurance (DI), and Paid Family Leave (PFL). EDD has three divisions:

  1. The Business Operations Planning and Support Division
  2. The Fiscal Programs Division
  3. The Human Resource Services Division


About the Author
Paul William
Author: Paul William
I am an American Economist (Ph.D. MIT). Over 1981-88, I was an Assistant Professor of Economics at the City University of New York. I have also assisted the Republic Government of USA I have worked in several countries in Europe and Africa as a consultant. I have also been a consultant for a variety of U.S. agencies. These include the D.C. Public Service Commission, the D.C. Department of Energy and Wind and Solar Energy California.

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